GROSPRÊTRE Sidney's profile


  • UFR STAPS, University of Franche-Comté, C3S Laboratory "culture, sport, health and society", Besançon, France
  • Sensorimotor Control, Sports Performance
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Areas of expertise
My research work mainly focuses on the neural correlates of human performance, from the brain to the muscle with a focus on cortico-spinal circuitry. Particularly, I develops training methods based on a neuroscientific aproach (mental imagery, virtual reality, non-invasive brain stimulation, etc.). I am also an expert in parkour, an urban sport that use the urban environnment as a playground of obstacles.


  • UFR STAPS, University of Franche-Comté, C3S Laboratory "culture, sport, health and society", Besançon, France
  • Sensorimotor Control, Sports Performance
  • recommender

Recommendations:  0

Reviews:  0

Areas of expertise
My research work mainly focuses on the neural correlates of human performance, from the brain to the muscle with a focus on cortico-spinal circuitry. Particularly, I develops training methods based on a neuroscientific aproach (mental imagery, virtual reality, non-invasive brain stimulation, etc.). I am also an expert in parkour, an urban sport that use the urban environnment as a playground of obstacles.